Jodie Broughton is enjoying working life as a quantity surveyor in the construction industry after bringing down the curtain on his playing career in 2021.
The former Leeds, Huddersfield, Hull, Salford, Catalans and England Knights winger fell back on qualifications gained as a young player when a series of injuries brought his career to an end after four happy years in Perpignan.
Jodie has no regrets from his playing days and has lots of useful advice to share with current players in this fascinating interview with Steve Hardisty.
As a professional player your life is governed by the rules of rugby, it's governed by the needs of the team, by your training schedule and the expectations of you, so sometime you just need to step away from that life and be yourself. Spend time with the people with whom you are going to have lasting relationships once your career is over, people who will be with you for the full circle of your life.
"Have a Plan B, and maybe even a Plan C. Because unexpected changes are most difficult to handle when we don't have a backup”
- Germany Kent
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