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Charlie Severs had given little thought to what the next stage of his career might hold until a serious shoulder injury brought home the reality of life as a professional athlete.



The Hull FC player spoke to the club's then wellbeing manager Feka Palea'aesina and was put in touch with RL Cares, who awarded him a grant to offset some of the cost of training to be a qualified electrician.


Charlie is now playing on loan at York Knights and combining his career with study. In this short video he explains why he wants to be an electrician and why a dual-career approach is important for every player.

After going through two big surgeries on my shoulder I didn't know whether I'd ever play again and realised it was time to think about getting a Plan B. I spoke to Fex who put me in touch with RL Cares and it all went from there.




"Have a Plan B, and maybe even a Plan C. Because unexpected changes

are most difficult to handle when we don't have a backup”


- Germany Kent



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