The step up into first team rugby is an exciting time in the life of any young player, but the move does come with a few challenges.
One of those is being smart with the enhanced financial rewards that come from playing senior rugby and avoiding making bad decisions.
In this webinar from RL Cares partners Mattioli Woods, the first in a series aimed at young players, Mark Redmond tackles many of the important issues around managing finances.
In the end-of-season questionnaire we circulate to all players, a desire to become more informed and better educated in the area of financial wellbeing is a recurring theme.
Rugby League Cares, in conjunction with our business partner Mattioli Woods, have designed a bespoke curriculum of financial wellbeing webinars to be rolled out in 2024.
This first webinar covers topics such as basic budgeting skills, understanding the importance of balancing income versus expenditure, and generally taking control of your finances in order to be able to save money.
Our next webinar is scheduled for Wednesday February 21 and will be aimed at established Super League players who are earning an average salaried playing contract. The webinar will cover things such as budgeting skills, current interest rate forecast, managing debt and borrowing, short/medium/long-term saving and pensions.
For more information on independent advice please visit
If you get sidetracked by your finances you will find it harder to keep yourself physically and mentally fit. It's a big distraction if the financial side of your life isn't going well. Good financial skills benefit all of us, no matter what career we are following.
Further reading
"Opportunities come infrequently: when it rains gold, put out the bucket, not the thimble"
- Warren Buffet
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