Player Portal Blog

Managing debt and borrowing webinar with Mattioli Woods

Written by Steve Hardisty | May 9, 2024 2:44:16 PM

In our annual Players Survey, many players tell us that managing their finances is an area they struggle with - that's why we have teamed up with Mattioli Woods to offer expert and independent advice to the playing community.


This webinar hosted by Mark Redmond of Mattioli Woods is packed full of advice and information on managing debt and borrowing, with a strong focus on the biggest debt that  most people will take on: mortgages. 



Rugby League Cares, in conjunction with our business partner Mattioli Woods, have designed a bespoke curriculum of financial wellbeing webinars to be rolled out in 2024.


For more information on financial wellbeing please visit

Further reading





"Opportunities come infrequently: when it rains gold, put out the bucket, not the thimble"


- Warren Buffet