A good, strong, well-written curriculum vitae - or CV! - is an essential tool that will go a long way to securing your dream job.
Even if your employment history is short and simple - eg rugby league player since birth! - your CV provides an opportunity for you to present prospective employers with essential information about you.
As a professional athlete, you have loads of transferable skills that are valuable to would-be employers: your CV should promote the skills and experience you have that are relevant to any job your are applying for.
Recruiters spend on average 75 seconds reading your CV. This means you have just over a minute to sell yourself and your strengths to the reader. This is easier said than done...
BBC: Five things to focus on in your CV
National Careers Service: How to write a CV
"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life"
- Confuscius